Should You Remodel or Move? Important Factors to Consider
As your needs from your home change over the years, homeowners are faced with a big decision – remodel or move? It is not an easy question to tackle as there are many factors to consider.
With over 30-years’ experience in home remodels, we’re happy to share our insights to help make this decision lest stressful for you. Here are the top 3 things you should consider before deciding should you remodel or move:
Whether you move or remodel, finances comes first. What do you hope to achieve out of a remodel? Can your finances get you there? Understand your budget, make a list of must-haves for the renovation and see if that is doable. Remember, finances will play a role if you move as well. So, before you can decide on either, know your financial limitations.
If you need assistance talking through your renovation options, count on our team. We’re here to guide you every step of the way. Let us create your dream home, safely and within budget!
Contact us today to learn more: 813.436.0177
Website: JRossi Construction
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